What is Morning Meeting?

Every morning, our learners gather together for Morning Meeting. It’s an engaging way to start each day, build a strong sense of community, and set children up for success socially and academically. Each morning, students and teachers gather together in a circle for 20-30 minutes and interact with one another during four purposeful components: Greeting:Read more

Alaka’i Ohana Network

We are gearing up to start our parent organization, which we are calling the Alaka’i OHANA NETWORK. All parents or family members who are interested in joining are welcome! The purpose of this very important organization is to create community support for our school — organize events, plan classroom activities, fundraise for the school, etc.Read more

Multicultural Thanksgiving Feast

We will hold our first annual Multicultural Feast on Friday, Nov. 16, at noon. All families are welcome to join us for the festivities. This tradition will be a wonderful way to kick off the Thanksgiving week and allows us to build community and share foods that represent our unique family backgrounds. Please bring aRead more

Ways to Get Involved

Interested in being a “Class Parent”? We would love to have you! Anyone interested in helping support a specific class, please contact the facilitator. Class Parents are there to support by volunteering in the classroom, organizing special activities, helping coordinate field trips or class parties — whatever the facilitator and class needs! A huge MAHALORead more

September 2018 Newsletter

Dear friends and supporters, This is a time of many firsts for Alaka‘i O Kaua‘i.  The first day of school for students has been the big one so many have been waiting for. Over the years there were times it looked like it might never happen; we are used to setbacks and have gotten evenRead more

August 2018 Newsletter

Mission: Possible! August 2018 UPDATE Dear friends and supporters of Alaka`i, Our mission to open a tuition-free project-based school is nearly accomplished!! In just a couple of weeks our classrooms and campus will be filled with the joyful sound of our learners’ voices as they experience a new and engaging way of education. The largerRead more

Frequently Asked Questions

A lot of great things are happening to get our school ready to open!! Last week our container of school furniture arrived and was unloaded thanks to the many parent & keiki volunteers that came out to help us. MAHALO for your support! This week our office is officially open. Everyone is welcome to bring theirRead more

School-in-a-box Unloading Day!

Aloha, Alaka’i O Kaua’i Founding Families!   What a great few days we’ve had!   We received our first allocation of funding from the state on Friday!   Our shipping container full of School-In-A-Box will be ready to unload Tuesday, July 24th. The fun will start at 9am and go until about 1:00pm or whenever weRead more

Final Approval to Open!

Aloha, Alaka’i O Kaua’i Families, We are so happy and proud to inform you that on Thursday, June 28th, our school officially completed all of our pre-opening assurances and was given the final approval to open this August by the Hawai`i State Charter School Commission! The Commission acted on a unanimous decision of the Commission’s Application CommitteeRead more

Letter from the Director

Aloha Families and Friends of Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School! So much is happening quickly now that we are only 3 months from opening! But in just 6 short weeks, we have our final deadline with the Charter Commission. On June 28th, our governing board members and Denise Trentham, our school director, will travel backRead more

May 2018 Newsletter

April Showers…? To everyone that was affected by the devastating rains in April, we send our heartfelt wishes for the strength, determination and unification necessary for responding in times of disaster.  Families lost their homes, cars, and beloved pets. Such trauma can make you feel isolated and helpless, while those unaffected mobilize out of compassionRead more

April 2018 Newsletter

First Meet and Greet A Great Success!!! Thank you ALL for attending our first Meet & Greet last weekend! We were thrilled to have such a great turn-out.  The Poipu Beach Athletic Club was a gracious host despite the high numbers overflowing their restaurant! Thanks go to John Horwitz for sponsoring the pupus and refreshments!Read more

March 2018 Newsletter

Alaka’i O Kaua’i NEWSLETTER March 2018 Congratulations, Applicants! Congratulations to our early applicants who have officially enrolled as our founding students this August!! We did not have a need for a lottery by our January 12th deadline,  and we are in the next stage of registration through our online system.  Everyone who has applied throughRead more

December 2017 Newsletter

Patience is a Virtue You have not heard from us in a while because sometimes big steps take more time to accomplish.  The past couple of months have been a waiting game as representatives and lawyers  from all the players involved have been busy in securing a home for our school and negotiating the manyRead more

August 2017 Newsletter

Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School Newsletter August 31, 2017 Facility Update Big strides are happening in relation to our future home!  We are currently in the midst of lease negotiations with a special property we hope to secure soon.  Out of respect for the property owners and management, as well as  the nature of negotiationsRead more

July 2017 Newsletter

Aloha Friends of Alaka’i O Kaua’i, Facility Update Our governing board has been very busy creating proposals for and having meetings with both county and state leaders.  We are asking for help in securing a location, either temporary or permanent.  We have been successful in getting some support in our search.  We are also followingRead more

May 2017 Newsletter

Aloha, Friends of Alaka’i O Kaua’i, Thank you to those who attended our Town Hall meeting last Monday, May 8, 2017. We presented an informative summary of our last year and our main needs moving forward this year to open in 2018. The Garden Island newspaper reported on it here. We stressed the importance ofRead more