Alakai O Kauai Park

Alaka`i O Kaua`i Is Taking the Kids Heart Challenge!

Our school has officially kicked off Kids Heart Challenge with the American Heart Association. Be sure to check your learner’s backpack for all the details. We are learning how to keep our hearts happy and healthy! Get started now by downloading the FREE APP called Kids Heart Challenge for Apple or Android OR visit and search Alaka’i O Kauai Charter School to join our team, then click on the “connect to Facebook” button in your online headquarters to reach even more people with your message of heart health!

Earn a wristband and ALL the Heart Heroes, Perrie, Knox, Nico, Sofie, Crush, and Sunny, when you raise lifesaving donations.

Nico loves making others happy by showing kindness. Thank you for your kindness and helping our school and the American Heart Association save lives!