By Nicole Huguenin
Director of Arts Integration and Play Maker, Maker Learning Network

Are you running out of ideas to entertain your bright learners at home? We have just the thing for you: Why not build your family’s very own mud kitchen?
Mud kitchens are so much fun for your kids! Not only do they completely engage children and provide you with some much-needed extra time, but they also encourage the following:
- Exploration
- Creativity
- Imagination
- Social Skills
- Role-Playing
- Fine Motor Skills
- Math
- Sensory Play
- Wonder and Joy
Did you know that dirt is healthy for your kids? Find out “The Dirt on Dirt” and the many health benefits of mud!
How to Make a Mud Kitchen
Mud kitchens can be as simple as a bowl, a stick, some dirt, and some water. They can also be a little more elaborate. Click here for our collection of mud kitchen ideas on Pinterest! Let your child’s imagination guide them in their mud kitchen adventures.
Mud Kitchen Supply Ideas
Items for mud kitchens need not be new. They can be things from around the house, or you can ask friends and relatives if they have any. Thrift stores are also a great place to find things for mud kitchens. See what you can find from this list:
- Cupcake Tins
- Wooden Spoons
- Mashers
- Whisks
- Spatulas
- Metal Bowls
- Wooden Bowls
- Sifter
- Small Pans
- Mortar and Pestle
- Colanders
- Ladles
- Measuring Cups and Spoons
- Rolling Pin
- Pots and Pans
- Expired Spices
- Dried or Old Flowers
Remember: “Kids are 100% washable!” —Lisa Latimer, iLEAD Agua Dulce School Director
Have fun! #GETMUDDY
Be sure to share your mud kitchen photos with us here!