2 images of AOK campus with green trees in both and view of the mountains in the right image.

Director DJ’s Message

Happy Labor Day Long Weekend to all in the Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School learning community, and hope this message finds you enjoying some time away from campus. Ho’omaika’i to all the staff and students from our school who participated in the Kaua’i Marathon and Half-Marathon today and took on the challenging course.

Mahalo nui for the smooth start to the 2024-2025 school year. It’s hard to imagine we are already turning the calendar page over to September. Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School has now had the benefit of a full month of school and will ask for your kokua in making some minor adjustments to after school pickup. We annually allow for much looser guidelines in the first four weeks as we fully respect that transition into a new school year can be challenging for some people. Let’s now move to our normal routines for the remainder of the school year.

Lower campus houses our Middle School students and we ask that this area be reserved for Middle School pickup only. We know that some people have been parking down below on lower campus and walking up to pick up their keiki but let’s move to use this area for only our Middle School students. This ensures the safety for everyone in our learning community and eases the pickup line transition.

We will also be putting back up the string gate restricting access to upper campus as that area is used for bus pickup only after school. Sadly, we have had some minor incidents in the past with visitors searching for access to the waterfalls that did not drive with the understanding that this is a school ground.

We appreciate your respect of our neighbors as we drive plus pickup/dropoff with aloha. We share Kahili Valley with many others who live in this area and we ask that we all continue to drive with aloha which mirrors the culture of our beautiful island.

Our first school wide Assembly is coming up this Friday, September 6th starting at 9am in the gymnasium and all members of our learning community are warmly welcomed to attend.

Best wishes to you all for a wonderful week ahead. Malama pono.

DJ Adams
Po’okumu (Director)
Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School
Koloa, Hawai’i