2 images of AOK community. left image families attend event in gym with learners. Right, learners and staff outside with mountains as a backdrop.

Director DJ’s Message

Aloha mai kakou to the good people in the learning community of Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School, and we hope you all enjoyed a fantastic Fall Break. We look forward to our students’ return to campus on Monday, October 14th for a full day of school.

Mahalo nui for your support of our unique charter school which features project-based learning as one of the key cornerstones of our state of Hawai’i Charter Commission contract. In support of this work, we recently hosted two Presentation of Learning events on campus and appreciate the robust turnout of people in attendance. The Grade One class learned about their brain and the importance of keeping it safe and healthy. The students were all given a brand new helmet free of charge to encourage helmet use when riding some methods of self-transportation outside. The Grade Three classes came together and hosted a Presentation of Learning in the gymnasium about communities. They created and built unique communities and then shared their knowledge with a large audience. Great work by all and we appreciate your support of these events.

Project-based learning is a vehicle of education used here at our school to help teach the state standards. Recently the state of Hawai’i Department of Education STRIVE HI results were released which compares schools in the state of Hawai’i in many key measures. We have placed the STRIVE HI results for our school here on our website for easy access.

Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School is outperforming the state of Hawai’i Department of Education in every single measure found in the SRTIVE HI Report. Although we are extremely proud of the work of our learners, staff, and parents in this outstanding result, we still have much work ahead in improving our offering of a high-quality free public education for the keiki of Kaua’i. Accordingly, we are offering additional support in the 2024-2025 school year for learners who are not quite reaching the standards plus the start of programs for those learners above the standards.

We look forward to our continued work together serving the important responsibility of education for our learners.

Best wishes for a wonderful week ahead. Malama pono.

DJ Adams
Po’okumu (Director)
Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School
Koloa, Hawai’i