Monday message 09.11.2023

Aloha mai kakou to the learning community of Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School, and we hope the new month of September is treating you with kindness and respect.
Mahalo for your continued support of our unique charter school. We are pleased that as promised, we started further enrichment classes after the Labor Day weekend. We appreciate your patience as we were using the multi-talented Kumu Nouveau to support the transition to the new school year with our Grade Six class.
This week Kumu Nouveau started the ‘Ike Hawai’i classes on campus and utilized the outdoor classroom located between Lower Campus and Main Campus. There were some beautiful songs of both music and laughter coming from the classroom this week as our learners practiced their participation parts of the daily Morning Oli.
This week Kumu Nouveau also commenced the Physical Education classes on campus under warm conditions. Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School is excited to bring back Physical Education to our school as we have not had this program consistently since March 2020. A helpful reminder to please check ParentSquare messages to ensure that your keiki are properly attired for these classes.
Mahalo nui loa to our learning community for your generosity in purchasing Loofah Soap as part of Ms. Shay’s Grade Two class project-based learning activity. The students raised over $300 and we are happy to share that part of the proceeds will be donated to the Maui relief efforts.
Under the steady guidance of Ms. Charton, the Grade One class continued to work on their project-based learning activities about bees. This week the class shared honeycombs filled with honey for all the learners on our campus to taste if they wished. Their project will continue forward and we hope to move a hive of honey bees to a safe special place on campus with a transparent window so that all learners can look inside the bee hive.
We also wish to share our gratitude for the strong improvement in school attendance thus far in the 2023-2024 school year. We perfectly understand the challenges of getting our learners to campus each and every day and your work is recognized and appreciated.
The next virtual No Hoa O Alaka’i Parent Teacher Network meeting will be coming up next Wednesday, September 13th at 5 p.m. All parents are warmly welcome to attend. The Zoom link and agenda will be shared via ParentSquare in the coming days.
Best wishes to you all for continued health and happiness. Malama pono.