School news and events for the week of 11.11.2024

Aloha mai kakou to the learning community of Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School, and hope this message finds you in good health and happiness as we move deeper into the month of November. Mahalo for your support of our unique charter school and we wish to share an example of unconditional giving in our learning community.
Our former Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School Board of Directors Chairperson Nicola Sherrill recently stepped away after selflessly volunteering on our Board of Directors for TEN years. Under her governance the school moved from a dream to a reality and would not exist today without her guidance, direction, and support.
Ms. Nicola searched for a gift to leave behind that would enhance the campus after her departure. Her creative eye found an amazing wood carving of a pueo, which is the mascot of the school. She worked with our very own Dr. Jon to refinish this beautiful piece of art which is proudly displayed in our Main Office. Mahalo nui e Ms. Nicola and Mr. Jon for your vision and work on this amazing gift. The pueo wood carving is stunning and fits perfectly with our school but it is definitely in need of a name. We will be holding a “name the mascot” contest later in the school year with more details to come after Winter Break.
As the rainy season approaches we will need to move some of our recesses and Physical Education classes indoors during inclement weather. We greatly appreciate the good work of Ms. Jesica as our Physical Education teacher and we appreciate her efforts to introduce some new sports and activities for our learners.
We salute the contributions of our Veterans and deeply respect their service to our country. We recognize that our freedoms were built on the back of their sacrifice and service. Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School will be closed on Monday, November 11th in recognition of Veterans’ Day.
Best wishes to you all for a wonderful week ahead. Malama pono.
DJ Adams
Po’okumu (Director)
Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School
Koloa, Hawai’i