School news and events for the week of {date}

Monday Message Alakai O Kauai

Director’s Message

Aloha good people in the Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School learning community. I hope this message finds you in good health and happiness after the annual fall break.

A quieter week on campus provides a wonderful opportunity to showcase the generous individuals who serve on the Alaka’i O Kaua’i Board of Directors. These selfless people donate hundreds of hours without remuneration to help govern our school. Nicola, Chris, Ben, Rafael, and Leia are all engaged with the success of our school and have skillfully grown Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School from a thought and vision into one of the fastest improving schools in the state of Hawaii.

Many people in our learning community may not realize that it took several years of effort before Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School was able to open the doors to Keiki. Imagine the amount of patience it took our early founders to stay positive and focused after initial charter applications were denied. Slowly and purposefully, the work continued. Finally, in 2018 the charter was approved, and in a whirlwind, the school opened that August. Our current chairperson, Nicola, was there for every step of the journey for the last six-plus years; she is one of the reasons our school exists.

Opening a school requires an immense amount of work, but growing the school demands even more effort. Student enrollment, staff recruitment and retention, policies, procedures, financial stability, state regulations, and charter expectations are samples of areas that need attention to sustain a successful school. Our Board of Directors has effectively governed these areas. Plus, they have volunteered beyond these duties to build more layers to the school. Take a look at this week’s photos, and you will see that their dedication ranges from attending campus celebrations to supporting the building of new facilities to creating a bus transportation option for ohana and even helping Santa find his way to campus for a visit.

When the COVID pandemic reached our doorsteps, the Board of Directors skillfully helped Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School navigate uncharted territory — finding the best ways to provide an education while keeping everyone in our learning community safe. Mahalo, to our Board of Directors for their contributions to our success.

One of the fresh new areas we are exploring is opening a distance learning portfolio for those ohanas who feel attendance at schools may be unsafe due to the pandemic. Please contact us if you know anyone on our beautiful island of Kaua’i who may be interested in distance learning while being mindful of our charter mandates of socio-emotional learning and project-based learning.

We are extending a friendly invitation to you to attend any of our public Board of Directors’ Meetings and find out more about how we operate. We will hold a virtual meeting on Monday, October 18th, at 5:00 pm, and it is open to everyone. In addition, we are always searching for individuals interested in serving on our Board of Directors. So, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you would like to learn more. We would be happy to share the process with you.

Mahalo, for your support of our unique charter school, and best wishes to all for a happy return to campus this week. Malama Pono!

DJ Adams

Po’o Kumu (Director)
Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School
Koloa, Hawai’i
“Ua ola no i ka pane a ke aloha.”
There is life in a kindly reply.

Honoring Director DJ Adams Alakai O Kauai

Honoring Our Director DJ Adams

On Friday, October 8th, Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School honored our Director DJ Adams for his tireless dedication to helping make our school a special place where learners can thrive. October is National Principals Month. The staff served a lovely homemade breakfast and presented Mr. Adams with a plaque and a gift card to aRead more

Alaka'i O Kaua'i Charter School

Alakaʻi O Kauaʻi Charter School Culture: Real-World Experiences

Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School emphasizes 21st-century skills and preparing learners for the work world, and tangible experiences help elevate the learning process. Examples include our third graders’ podcast; our DreamUp to Space challenges, where teams of learners come up with scientific research projects that launch to the International Space Station for testing; or ourRead more

TED Talks For Parents

TED Talks For Parents

TED Talks are a terrific resource for learning. They are often entertaining, but they also open our minds to new ideas and life experiences. We have compiled a short list of some of our favorite talks for parents.  Take a listen to these when you can: Sir Ken Robinson,”Do Schools Kill Creativity?” Rita Pierson, “EveryRead more

Alakai O Kauai campus and learners

Shop Amazon for FREE Fund-raising for Alakaʻi O Kauaʻi!

Did you know you can help Alakaʻi O Kauaʻi grow and provide additional resources by just doing the things you’re already doing every day? We call this “passive fundraising.” Through Amazon Smile, you can buy items for the same exact price, and Amazon will send us a portion of their proceeds each time you shopRead more