Monday message 04.22.2024

Aloha mai kakou to the learning community of Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School, and we hope this message finds you in good health and happiness as we move into the last full week of April on campus. We greatly appreciate your last-minute flexibility on Friday, April 12th, when we had to close the school early morning due to the massive amounts of rain that fell on our beautiful island. We hope that our communication system worked and that everyone was notified with a text message at 5:17 am followed by a phone call at 7 am. If you currently have a learner enrolled at our school and were not messaged with these methods on Friday, April 12th then please let us know immediately so we can helpfully rectify the issue.
As promised in last week’s Monday Message, we are excited to share an update on the bees on campus. The adventure of having the bees housed safely on campus actually started in the 2022-2023 school year when the visionary Ms. Charton approached the Board of Directors requesting permission to apply for a Bee Grant to build a transparent bee hive on campus. After meticulously reviewing all the legalities of the request with the state of Hawai’i Attorney General, the green light was granted to apply for the Bee Grant. Once again, the talents of Ms. Charton shone through as she successfully acquired the Bee Grant, and the materials were shipped to the school.
Once we started the 2023-2024 school year the next step was to find an appropriate space for the bees to be housed that protected both the bee colony and our learning community. The ever-talented Mr. Jon and Mr. Adam worked with Ms. Charton and Kumu Chris to search for the perfect place that would meet the needs of all. The bee hive was installed in one corner of the gym, complete with the entrance for the bees on the back side of the building facing the jungle.
Now we have a bee hive……………but no bees. Fortunately, the universe conspired, and a colony of bees decided that they wanted to move into the outside wall of the Art Room on the lower campus. Instead of the sadness of potentially exterminating the bees, it was determined that we would attempt to move the bees from the Art Room on the lower campus to the transparent hive in the gymnasium. As one of his many talents, Kumu Chris is a beekeeper, and over the Spring Break, he attempted to move the bees to the new location. It took great time, patience, and effort, and eventually, the bees decided that they liked the new home, and the move was successful!
We wish to applaud the visionary work of so many people to make amazing project based learning activity come together for our learners. The bee hive has been an incredible addition to our campus and should help us all be educated and supportive of the importance of these helpful creatures.
Mahalo nui e Ms. Shay for spearheading our Wellness Week starting Monday that culminates with our annual Sports Spectacular Showcase scheduled for Friday, April 26th at 11:15am in the gymnasium. We will play in inverse order this year so it will be two boys games followed by two girls games this time around and all community members are warmly welcomed to attend.
Best wishes to you all for a wonderful Wellness Week. Malama pono.
DJ Adams
Po’okumu (Director)
Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School
Koloa, Hawai’i