Monday message 04.29.2024

Aloha mai kakou to the good people in the learning community, and I hope this message finds you in good health and happiness as we head into the month of May this week. The character trait focus for May will be TEAM WORK and we wish to share a shining example of this trait with you all revolving around Tuesday, May 14th.

Way back in the school year 2020-2021 the good people from M C & A visited our campus and presented a check to help us improve our school. We greatly appreciate Ariane and Spencer who came to campus and presented the money to our learners along with Board of Directors Member Chris Town. Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School was extremely fortunate to accept their kindness, and the monies were used to help us stay open on campus during the challenging times of the pandemic.

Fast forward to a few months ago, and once again, Ariane and Spencer from M C & A visited our campus with a proposal to have a group come to campus to volunteer to work on campus improvements. Mahalo nui e Ms. Patricia, Mr. Jon, and Ms. Jennifer who spent many hours with Spencer and Ariane walking around and working out the larger scope of the potential project. We then approached our dedicated staff and asked them to dream big about improvements they wish to see happen on our rural yet scenic campus. The staff responded with great TEAMWORK and submitted their responses to Ms. Patricia and Ms. Jennifer, who spent 20-30 hours over the weekend finalizing our proposal to M C & A.

Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School then waited in great anticipation to see if our proposal would be accepted and approved. After a short time of joyous anxiety, we had a visit in person from Spencer at M C & A, who met with Board of Directors Chris Town and our office staff. Spencer shared that the project had been approved with a budget of $125,000 and a workforce of 500 volunteers coming to our campus. Talk about TEAMWORK!!!!

As part of this TEAMWORK, we all have a part to play in the success of this project. Our Hawai’i State Teachers Association (HSTA) members under the guidance of the supportive Ms. Charton agreed to move their HSTA Teacher Day from Monday, May 13th to Tuesday, May 14th to accommodate the availability of the people from M C & A. The part to play in our learning community is that we have moved no school for students from May 13th to May 14th and we greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation. We fully respect that no school for our learners on a Tuesday is challenging as it can create childcare issues for many. We also wish to acknowledge the TEAMWORK of the rest of the school staff who will be on campus on Tuesday, May 14th, to help support the 500 volunteers coming to campus that day.

One of the first areas of this project that will occur long before May 14th will be significant work done on the road past the yellow gate to the school. We realize that the last part of the road is challenge for us all and feel that this work will help transportation to and from our campus. As we gather greater details in the coming couple of weeks it will be shared your way so everyone is updated with the happy news.

Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School could not possibly express our deep gratitude to M C & A for their kindness but we are working with them to hopefully have our students perform at their closing banquet.

Mahalo for your support of our unique charter school. Malama pono.

DJ Adams
Po’okumu (Director)
Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School
Koloa, Hawai’i

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monday message feature

Monday Message – April 22, 2024

Aloha mai kakou to the learning community of Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School, and we hope this message finds you in good health and happiness as we move into the last full week of April on campus. We greatly appreciate your last-minute flexibility on Friday, April 12th, when we had to close the school early

See what our families are saying about Alaka’i O Kaua’i!