School news and events for the week of {date}

Dear Alaka’i O Kaua’i Ohana,

I have been a school leader for well over 20 years, and one very important ingredient that existed in all of my previous schools was a high level of parent of involvement! Parent involvement is why I love charter schools, since it is usually parents, educators, and community leaders who come together with a vision to create a nontraditional school that meets the needs of their children both academically and socially. This is what makes Alaka`i O Kaua`i Charter School so unique and special.

In the two months that I have been the leader of Alaka’i, I have noticed a significant amount of parent involvement at our school from many different aspects. I have observed parents volunteering to work in our classrooms by helping learners in reading, math, science, and many other subjects. In addition, I have noticed parents supervising during recess and lunch time, as an extra body ensuring that all of learners are safe throughout the school day, in various activities. Also, we have parents who help support our office manager by answering the phones and helping greet visitors or other parents when they seek information about our school.

We also have two formal parent committees: Ohana Network and our Alaka’i Library Committee. Both of these groups are on a mission to enhance the school environment for all of our learners, and to come up with ideas to help take our small school to the next level academically and socially.

I want to recognize the following parents/families who have played a significant role in the success of Alaka’i so far:

Classrooms & Playground
Aimee Leonard, Ana Des Marais, Ben & Natalie Sand, Cara Brosius, Caroline & Rafael Tapia, Ciera Kreutzer, Camille Parr, Chad & Heather Long, Claire Woolger, Daniella Brause, Diana Singh, Drew Brause, Gabrielle Sasil, Giselle Gregorius, Hollie Jaramillo, Jamie Baldwin, Jennie Vandenakker, Jordana Turner, Joyce Phillips, Kai Fox, Kamalani Bond, Kelly Renz, Leia Makanoele, Melissa Tangalin, Maya Leone, Nathan Brosius, Nicola Sherrill, Pam Swift and Petra Schmeider.

Office/Health Room
Aimee Leonard, Amy Blanchard, Giselle Gregorius, Jennie Vandenakker, Marie Henningsen, Summer Dillberg, and Trisha Brooks.

Library Committee
Amber Martinez, Bonita Garma, Chad Long, Leia Makanole, Summer Dillberg, and Taitai Ka’uhini.

Ohana Network
Aimee Ceccone, Aimee Leonard, Amber Martinez, Amy Blanchard, Andrea Erichsen, Andrea Mahuka, Bonita Garma, Cara Brosius, Caroline & Rafael Tapia, Chad Long, Diana Singh, Evan De Marais, Gabrielle Sasil, Giselle Gregorius, Hollie Jaramillo, Jayme Vargas, Kamalani Bond, Katie Horgan, Kelly Renz, Leia Makaneole, Mary Kojiri, May Cacal, Ben Sand, Sarah Salamey, Shannon Underwood, Summer Dillberg, Taitai Ka’uhini, and Tiffany Carolan.

Frederick A. Birkett, Ed.M
Alaka’i O Kaua’i Charter School 

Alaka’i Kinder Music & Movement

We are very happy to share that our first music program has begun at Alaka’i O Kaua’i! Our very own Office Manager, Miss Claire, has started doing a weekly Kinder Music & Movement class with our Kindergarten classes. With a background in music, dance, and theater, Miss Claire is thrilled to share her love ofRead more

We Are Expanding

There are lots of exciting changes underway at Alaka’i O Kaua’i, including expansion into new parts of our campus, adding: a new health room, staff lunch room, learner  work room, and meeting room. We are also in the process of renovating our enormous gym, which will hopefully be ready for use by the end ofRead more

Intent To Re-Enroll & Registration for 2019-2020

Please keep your eyes open for Intent to Re-Enroll forms coming home with all learners this week. We ask that you please complete this form by Monday, February 4th to secure your child’s seat for next school year. Registration for all grades will also open up this Monday, January 28th. We will be adding twoRead more